- Practical Design and Implementation of Virtual Chatbot Assistants for Bioinformatics Based on a NLU Open Framework. A.A. Elsayed, A.I. Hafez, R. Ceprián, G. Martínez, A. Granados, B. Soriano, C. Llorens, J.M. Sempere. Big Data and Cognitive Computing Vol. 8, Iss. 11, 163 2024.
- Membrane computing simulation of sexually transmitted bacterial infections in hotspots of individuals with various risk behaviors. Marcelino Campos, Juan Carlos Galán, Mario Rodríguez-Domínguez, José M. Sempere, Carlos Llorens, Fernando Baquero. Microbiology Spectrum Vol. 12 Issue 2 e02728-23. 2024
- Modeling Markov sources and hidden Markov models by P systems. José M. Sempere. Journal of Membrane Computing Vol. 5, Issue 3, pp 161-169. 2023.
- Applications and Server-Side Docker for Management of RNASeq and/or VariantSeq Workflows and Pipelines of the GPRO Suite. A.I. Hafez, B. Soriano, A.A. Elsayed, R. Futami, R. Ceprian, R. Ramos-Ruiz, G. Martinez, F.J. Roig, M.A. Torres-Font, F. Naya-Catala, J.A. Calduch-Giner, L. Trilla-Fuertes, A. Gamez-Pozo, V. Arnau, J.M. Sempere-Luna, J. Perez-Sanchez, T. Gabaldon, C. Llorens. Genes 14(2):267. 2023
- Simulating the efficacy of vaccines on the epidemiological dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 in a membrane computing model. Marcelino Campos, José M Sempere, Juan C Galán, Andrés Moya, Rafael Cantón, Carlos Llorens, Fernando Baquero. microLife Vol. 3, uqac018. 2022
- Generating networks of genetic processors. Marcelino Campos & José M. Sempere. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines Vol. 23, Issue 1 pp 133-155. 2022
- P systems in the time of COVID-19. Fernando Baquero, Marcelino Campos, Carlos Llorens & José M. Sempere. Journal of Membrane Computing Vol. 3, Issue 4, pp 246-257. 2021
- Simulating the impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions limiting transmission in COVID-19 epidemics using a membrane computing model. M.Campos, J.M. Sempere, J.C. Galán, A. Moya, C. Llorens, C. de los Ángeles, F. Baquero-Artigao, R. Cantón, F. Baquero. microLife Vol. 2, uqab011. 2021
- On the Languages Accepted by Watson-Crick Finite Automata with Delays. José M. Sempere. Mathematics 9(8), 813. 2021
- Distributed Trust, a Blockchain Election Scheme. Antonio M. Larriba , Aleix Cerdà i Cucó, José M. Sempere and Damián López. Informatica. 32(2), pp. 321–355. 2021
- A two authorities electronic vote scheme. Antonio Larriba, José M. Sempere, Damián López. Computers & Security Vol. 97, October 2020, 101940
- Simulating the Influence of Conjugative-Plasmid Kinetic Values on the Multilevel Dynamics of Antimicrobial Resistance in a Membrane Computing Model. Marcelino Campos, Álvaro San Millán, José M. Sempere, Val F. Lanza, Teresa M. Coque, Carlos Llorens, Fernando Baquero. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy August 2020, 64(8) e00593-20
- On Compensation Loops in Genomic Duplications. José M. Sempere. International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science Vol. 31, No.1, pp 133-142. 2020
- Simulating Multilevel Dynamics of Antimicrobial Resistance in a Membrane Computing Model. Marcelino Campos, Rafael Capilla, Fernando Naya, Ricardo Futami, Teresa Coque, Andrés Moya, Val Fernandez-Lanza, Rafael Cantón, José M. Sempere, Carlos Llorens, Fernando Baquero. mBio Jan 2019, 10 (1) e02460-18. 2019
DOI: 10.1128/mBio.02460-18
- A membrane computing simulator of trans-hierarchical antibiotic resistance evolution dynamics in nested ecological compartments (ARES). Marcelino Campos, Carlos Llorens, José M. Sempere, Ricardo Futami, Irene Rodríguez, Purificación Carrasco, Rafael Capilla, Amparo Latorre, Teresa M. Coque, Andrés Moya and Fernando Baquero Biology Direct Vol. 10(41). 2015
- Networks of Bio-inspired Processors. Fernando Arroyo Montoro, Juan Castellanos, Victor Mitrana, Eugenio Santos, José M. Sempere Triangle Vol. 7, pp 3-22. 2012
- Accepting Networks of Genetic Processors are computationally complete. Marcelino Campos, José M. Sempere Theoretical Computer Science Vol. 456, pp 18-29. 2012
- GyDB mobilomics: LTR retroelements and integrase-related transposons of the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum genome. Guillermo P. Bernet, Alfonso Muñoz Pomer, Laura Domínguez-Escribá, Laura Covelli, Lucía Bernad, Sukanya Ramasamy, Ricardo Futami, Jose M. Sempere, Andrés Moya and Carlos Llorens Mobile Genetic Elements 1:2, 97-102; July/August 2011
- The Spanish Network on Biomolecular and Biocellular Computing: Bio-inspired Natural Computing in Spain. Mario de J. Pérez-Jiménez, Alfonso Ortega de la Puente, José M. Sempere. ERCIM News No. 85, pp 25, 2011
- Complexity-preserving simulations among three variants of accepting networks of evolutionary processors. Paolo Bottoni, Anna Labella, Florin Manea, Victor Mitrana, Ion Petre, Jose M. Sempere. Natural Computing, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp 429-445, 2011
DOI: 10.1007/s11047-010-9238-5
- Filter Position in Networks of Substitution Processors does not matter. F.Arroyo, J. Castellanos, V. Mitrana, E. Santos, J.M. Sempere. International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp 155-165, 2011
DOI: 10.1142/S0129054111007915
- The Gypsy Database (GyDB) of mobile genetic elements: release 2.0. Carlos Llorens, Ricardo Futami, Laura Covelli, Laura Dominguez-Escriba, Jose M. Viu, Daniel Tamarit, Jose Aguilar-Rodriguez, Miguel Vicente-Ripolles, Gonzalo Fuster, Guillermo P. Bernet, Florian Maumus, Alfonso Muñoz-Pomer, José M. Sempere, Amparo Latorre, Andres Moya. Nucleic Acids Research Vol. 39, Database issue, D70-D74, 2011
DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkq1061
- Inference of reversible tree languages. D. López, José M. Sempere, P. García. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics – Part B: Cybernetics Vol. 34, No. 4, pp 1658-1665. 2004
- A Representation Theorem for Languages accepted by Watson-Crick Finite Automata. José M. Sempere. Bulletin of the EATCS 83 pp. 187-191. 2004
- A note on the equivalence and complexity of linear grammars. José M. Sempere. Grammars Vol. 6, Issue 2. pp 115-126. 2003
- Networks of evolutionary processors. Juan Castellanos, Carlos Martín-Vide, Victor Mitrana, José M. Sempere. Acta Informatica 39, 517-529. 2003
- On some characteristic features of linear grammars and their application to the study of their identification and complexity ( PhD Thesis Abstract). José M. Sempere. Bulletin of the EATCS 79 pp 285-287. 2003
- Error correcting analysis for tree languages. Damián López, José M. Sempere, Pedro García. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence Vol. 14, No. 3, pp 357-368. 2000
- On a class of regular-like expressions for linear languages. José M. Sempere. Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics Vol. 5, No. 3, pp 343-354. 2000
- A McCulloch-Pitts neural net to characterize even linear languages. José M. Sempere, Damián López. Information Processing Letters (56):201-208, 1995